There are several ways to secure and protect a WordPress website, however, if you prefer to use a WordPress plugin, we recommend iThemes Security. Keep reading to find out why.
You might be thinking, ‘why would anyone want to hack my site?’.
Seeing Can Be believing
I’d recommend that you install a simple plugin like, Limit Login Attempts, and wait a couple days.
You’ll see a long list of blocked login attempts.
Now these aren’t individual people, rather they are bots, programs created to scour the web for WordPress websites and try to hack in.
Once they do they add you to a list of weak sites, they install a bunch of malware, a backdoor and start to drive you crazy.
The sad part is, they don’t care about you, they simple want to us your site to infect your website visitors computers, or run a email phishing scam.
Either way, everyone will blame you!
Your visitors, your hosting company, they’ll all blame you. And you could be liable for the disaster it could lead too.
Why Security?
With a WordPress website you have several vulnerabilities.
WordPress core has to be updated regularly and the themes and plugins also require regular updates.
And what do you do when a plugin you’re using is no longer being supported and now it’s a security risk?
How about I give you a few numbers to help put this into context!
According to their May report,, of the 2,837 known WordPress security vulnerabilities in their database:
- 75% are from WordPress plugins
- 14% are from core WordPress
- 11% are from WordPress themes
This is also a good reason to use a WordPress support service like WP Mantis or WP Buffs.

Running an ecommerce website means taking a more proactive approach to your site’s security. As an online store owner, it’s your responsibility to take the necessary precautions to protect customer accounts and data.
We’ll walk you though the most important steps to safeguard your website and customers against threats.
[content_upgrade cu_id=”11090″]Start Your Download => [content_upgrade_button]GO![/content_upgrade_button][/content_upgrade]
Why iThemes Security Pro Plugin?
As I mentioned, there are a lot of other ways to secure your website. But this is the easiest most robust solution available in one plugin.
One of the coolest features of the Security Pro plugin is the security dashboard available in your WordPress admin (pictured below).
All that data in one place means you can make smart decisions about protecting your site fast.

I’ve listed below what I believe are the most important features you should look for in any website security solution regardless of which one you pick.
They fall under 3 categories:
- Prevention
- Recovery
- Hardening
This is the processes of doing the things that will prevent someone from hacking your site, or at least make it harder for them, resulting in redirecting their efforts elsewhere.
These should include, but is not limited to:
- Brute Force Protection
- Strong Password Enforcement
- Hiding the WP Admin and Login Pages
- Changing Database Table Prefix
- Block IP Addresses
- Malware Scanning
If your website is hacked, you should have a way of getting your site fixed and restored after the hack. In most cases, plugins like iThemes Security is going to have a feature that performs regular backups of your database, which holds all your content and settings.
However, you may still need to have access to a WordPress expert that can help you recover your site, if you’re not familiar with the technical stuff.
Below is a short list of recommended options:
Once your site is hacked or your security scans reveal a vulnerability, you will need to know the steps and techniques for increasing your security.
The iThemes Security plugin does a good job of covering the important aspects of hardening, however, with the need for regular plugin and theme updates, there is always a risk you will need to do more to secure your site.
This is how you stay on-top of this:
- Regular Updates (themes, plugins and core)
- Use 404 Detection
- Enable Away Mode
- File Change Detection
For a full break down of all 30+ WordPress security plugin features, click here!
Sounds Like Too Much Work?
There are ways that you can have your website security managed for you and never have to deal with or worry about being hacked, and losing your business presence.
The best solution, is to subscribe to a support subscription provided by companies like ours (WP Mantis) or WP Buffs.
Both companies will manage website security for website owners and agencies that need help managing their clients sites.
Have questions about our services, use the chat option to the right anytime! =>
Other Security Resources
iThemes has done an outstanding job of providing documentation and several other resources to help you learn how to better secure and protect your site.
Below you will find videos and links to additional resources.

WordPress security can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve simplified the basics so that any non-technical person can understand. With a focus on the latest WordPress security trends for 2020, including a new section on working securely from home, you’ll learn:
- Fundamentals of security your WordPress website
- [New for 2020] How to work securely while working remotely
- Server security basics
- How to prevent attacks from being successful
- How to recover if you’ve been hacked
Final Tip
If you manage multiple sites, and want to continue to manage them yourself, be sure to checkout iThemes Sync.
Sync allows you to manage multiple sites and integrate with iThemes Security. That way you can manage all sites from one dashboard and get a better idea how to help your clients.
is this plugin can we customize??
What do you mean by customize?
You don’t have to enable all the features.